Episode 281
Feb 14, 2020
Is your device snooping on your massage sessions?
Listen to "E281: Privacy & Tech in the Age of Listening Devices" on Spreaker.
What caught our attention this week?
- A Teacher Did an Experiment to Show the Power of Handwashing, and You Can’t Stay Unimpressed
- New podcast: Partners https://www.partners.show/
Discussion Topic
- Is your device snooping on your massage sessions?
- More info here
Quick Tip
- Do a “Spring Cleaning” of apps on your phone – especially social media apps
- Acuity Scheduling
- The Jojoba Company
- Yomassage
Sponsor message This episode is sponsored by Acuity, our software of choice. Acuity Scheduling is your online assistant working 24/7 to fill your schedule. No more phone tag. Clients can quickly view your real-time availability and self-book their own appointments and even pay online and reschedule with a click. Handle all of your forms before the appointment so you can get right to doing the massage you do best. Look and act professional by offering convenient scheduling to your clients that matches your brand and your voice. Customer support is a delight, and Acuity’s style will help you relax and have fun running your business again. Check out the special 45-day free offer at massagebusinessblueprint.com/acuity.
Michael Reynolds Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Massage Business Blueprint podcast, where we help you attract more clients, make more money, and improve your quality of life. I am Michael Reynolds.
Allissa Haines I’m Allissa Haines.
MR And we’re your hosts. Welcome today to Episode 281. Glad to have you with us. Allissa, good morning.
AH Yeah. I love recording in the morning. Well, I love/hate recording in the morning.
MR [Laughing].
AH But it’s a good way to get me going. I got a full cup of coffee. This is the only banter I’ll do. I promise. I have a full sleeve of peanut butter sandwich Girl Scout cookies that I bought from a delightful girl scout yesterday, and I feel like it’s an omen for a good week.
MR I like that. I’ll take it. This recording in the morning gets us out of bed, so at least there’s that.
AH [Laughing] It really does.
MR All right. So what are we reading this week? What’s got our attention? Do you want me to go first?
AH Sure. Go first.
MR I’ll go first since I just went ahead and took it. So [laughing] this is kind of random and weird, but this is kind of for anyone who either has kids or someone in their life who doesn’t wash their hands very well [laughing]. So I — many of you have probably seen this on Facebook. I love this little article, and I actually used it to my advantage.
So this article was titled Teacher Did an Experiment to Show the Power of Handwashing, and You Can’t Stay Unimpressed. This is kind of a clickbait-y article. It’s one of those headlines that’s kind of clickbait-y or whatever. But apparently — I don’t know if this is even true or not, but apparently, this teacher did this experiment with her students. She had them take five pieces of bread. One piece of bread was — they had all the students touch it after wiping their hands all over their computers and stuff in the classroom and stuff, and they didn’t wash their hands. They then put their hands all over the bread.
Then they had a second piece of bread where it was fresh, untouched. It was put in a Ziploc bag. Third piece of bread, they touched it with unwashed hands that were not touching everything, but just sort of random unwashed hands. Fourth piece of bread, they washed their hands with soap and water and then touched the bread. And the fifth, they used hand sanitizer. They put all these pieces of bread in Ziploc bags separately.
After a month, they pulled them out and took a look at them. And what’s interesting is the first and the third bags where people had touched them with unwashed hands were full of mold, gross looking, disgusting. The second piece of bread that was never touched was fresh still, no mold on it. The fourth piece of bread that was touched by kids that had washed their hands with soap and water, also fresh. No mold on it. The fifth that was only touched by people with hand sanitizer on their hands or had washed their hands with hand sanitizer did have some mold on it. Not as much as the others, but it did have some mold on it.
So the point that the teacher was making was to teach kids to wash their hands. And so I showed this, the picture of the experiment, to my four-year-old and — because we’re always struggling to get him to remember to wash his hands after using the bathroom and all this stuff. You know how kids are. And after looking at the picture, I explained exactly what happened, and he was like, oh, wow, that’s cool. And since then, he has been washing his hands really, really well every single time, like scrubbing, using lots of soap. So it worked with my four-year-old, and I thought it was a fun experiment and a fun little tool.
AH That is —
MR So that is what I’ve been reading this week.
AH I have seen that experiment before, but I love that you applied it into your household and that it actually adjusted behavior. That’s brilliant.
MR [Laughing].
AH I don’t know that it would [laughing] do that in my house. I think they would try to keep their hands dirtier on purpose.
MR [Laughing].
AH So —
MR Well, for whatever reason, it worked for my four-year-old. So if you have people in your life that are not good hand washers [laughing], this might be helpful to show them.
AH I actually — this made me think of a question that I wanted to ask to our listeners, which is when you have a client who uses the restroom before their massage — and I can hang out in my waiting area, and I can pretty much hear if they washed their hands or not. I can hear if the sink runs or not. If someone doesn’t wash their hands after they use the restroom and then they walk into your massage room, do you massage their hands? Or how do you handle it? Because I have pretty much just given the standard massage, but I’ve kept my own hand sanitizer a little handier and I’ve used it a little more frequently during their massage, especially after their hands. I try to subtly do that.
But I’m just super curious because I don’t know how to tell a grown-up, go back into the bathroom. Wash your hands.
MR Oh, I see it all the time.
AH I know, but —
MR I’m in an office building with different offices, and people go in the bathroom. And people go in there. They walk out without washing their hands all the time.
AH Yeah.
MR It drives me crazy.
AH And if they’re going into somebody else’s office, that’s cool. But when it’s in my massage office and their next stop is my massage room — I have a whole protocol for doing the most disinfecting I can possibly do between every client, but I’m really curious how people handle that. How do you adapt your massage, or do you? I mean, I accept — I don’t think we’re — we’re never going to get a sterile environment in our massage room. We want it to be clean. We’re never going to get it sterile.
And I wonder — I’m just curious how other people handle that, and that — your experiment made me think of that.
MR Let us know, listeners, how you would handle it.
AH Yeah. podcast@massagebusinessblueprint.com. Drop us an email. Let me know how you handle that. I’m very curious.
So what am I reading this week? And as usual, I’m not — well, I’m reading plenty of things, but none of them I want to share with you, so what I’m —
MR [Laughing].
AH — listening to this week — that’s not true. I’m reading a couple books, but I’m not ready to talk about them yet. Or actually, the next episode I will be sharing a book that I’m reading.
I have been listening to a new podcast. So I used to listen to the The West Wing Weekly podcast, which was Hrishikesh Hirway and Josh Malina, who played — I am embarrassed that I can’t remember the name of the — oh, Will Bailey. He played Will Bailey on the last couple of seasons of West Wing.
And I love the West Wing show, and they did a podcast called West Wing Weekly where they pretty much dissect every episode of The West Wing. And it just ended. They just had their final episode, which was examining the final episode of West Wing. And it was a great couple of years of this podcast. But Hrishikesh Hirway also runs a few other podcasts. One’s called Song Exploder, which works with artists, talks with artists, and dissects any particular song. And I’ve started to listen to that. But the newest podcast he has — and he’s such an amazing podcaster and producer — is called Partners. And I recommended it to Michael a couple weeks ago when the trailer came out for it. I don’t know if he’s listened to it yet.
MR Not yet. I’m behind.
AH The first episode is amazing, and it’s just — we’re one episode in here, and it has — the first episode is — and I’m so embarrassed that I didn’t bring up the names of the people. So it’s called Partners, and it tells the story — each episode tells the story of a different partnership. And the episode — so far, the first one was only about 20 minutes long. So it’s short, but I like that. And it’s going to feature all different kinds of partnerships, business and romantic and creative, and it’s about what it takes for two people to work together, what makes their partnership work, and what obstacles they hit.
And the first episode is the chefs Samin Nosrat — or Samin, I think. I’m sorry — and Wendy MacNaughton. And they wrote a book. They wrote and illustrated a book called Salt, Fat — oh, my gosh — Acid, Heat. I’m sorry. Somebody gave me the cookbook last year, and I’ve been reading it, and my brain is fried on the details. It’s an amazing cookbook that talks about the principles of cooking and what to learn so that you can cook with any ingredients, how to — not just how to follow a recipe, but the more basic tenants of cooking. And I’m messing this up, and it’s embarrassing. But it’s —
MR [Laughing].
AH But again, it’s early Monday morning.
MR I’m following you. It’s okay.
AH Anyhow, Samin and Wendy — Samin wrote; Wendy illustrated these beautiful drawings, and they talk about their partnership creating this book and how it started and conflict and how one needed to advocate for the other in certain situations in publishing. It’s really beautiful, like everything Hrishikesh Hirway does, and I think it’s going to continue to be a really beautiful podcast.
So you — I will put the link in the show notes, but you can go to partners.show and see. And it’s also got a beautiful logo, as everything Hrishikesh does and has.
MR Yeah. I like the logo.
AH And I just love it, and that is what I think everybody should also be listening to this week.
MR Interesting. So it’s just about their — the whole podcast is about their partnership?
AH Yes. Each episode —
MR It’s not bringing on other partners; it’s just them?
AH Yep. Each episode is going to cover a particular partnership.
MR Oh, a — so there’s different people.
AH Yes.
MR Okay. Gotcha. So —
AH Each episode is different people. So this first one was Samin and Wendy, and the — one of the ones coming up is going to be the two partners, the guys who created Mailchimp.
MR Gotcha.
AH And then there’s — I know there’s a couple coming on, a male/female couple, a man/woman couple, who — I think they work together, and they’re a romantic couple. So I think that’s going to be really interesting.
And I mean, partly, I thought you especially, Michael, would be really interested in this because you have so many businesses that are partnerships.
MR Yeah.
AH And also just being in a partnership when you’re — I mean, we’re in a wicked dual relationship, right, because we’re friends and we’re business partners now.
MR Yeah.
AH And it’s been really interesting to navigate those relationships. And it’s fascinating to me. So far, we’re doing okay.
If anyone wants to buy Blueprint, we’ll let you know when we implode, and you can —
MR [Laughing].
AH When Michael and I don’t get along anymore, you can buy it.
MR [Laughing].
AH But it’s — I just — I loved it. I think it’s good for people who work with other people in any way. I think we’re going to learn stuff that is applicable to our lives in a really entertaining way.
MR So it sounds like it’s only for famous people, right? We probably wouldn’t be able to get on.
AH I don’t know that we would be able to get on. I don’t know.
MR Okay.
AH I don’t know. Talk to me in a few episodes.
MR All right.
AH I think Hriskikesh is way out of our league.
MR All right. Let me add that to my podcast app on my phone so I don’t forget.
AH You didn’t add it the first time when I sent you the link in a text message so that all you would have to do is touch it?
MR I did not. I’m a little bit behind. I’m still kind of pruning my podcast subscriptions because I’ve got too many. So I’m going to go ahead and add this now —
AH I just deleted a bunch this morning, so I hear you.
MR — so that I do not forget. All right. I’m finding it now.
AH All right. Well, I’m glad. So meanwhile, while Michael’s doing that, I’m going to jump into our first sponsor — second sponsor of the episode.
MR Go for it. I officially have subscribed, so I’m refocused. I’m here. I’m with you.
AH Hey.
Sponsor message Special thanks to Yomassage for their sponsorship. Yomassage combines restorative stretching, massage, and mindfulness in small-group sessions. They have limited in-person trainings in 2020 and virtual trainings that begin the first Monday of each month. Space is limited for both in-person and virtual trainings, but you, my friends, can get $50 off trainings January through March using code BLUEPRINT, all caps, one word, BLUEPRINT.
And a little testimonial I want to share with you from someone who took the Yomassage training, and they said, “Katherine and Tiffany do an amazing job at distilling potentially complex info into concrete pieces so that people can actually learn it and do it. I love the training. I’m impressed with all the additional support and resources offered by Yomassage, and it’s really equipping therapists to take ahold of it and carry it forward.” And this is the part that I love. “Yomassage offers a whole new angle from which to work with humans and their needs, literally and figuratively.”
You, my friends, can go check out more at yomassage.com. Again, $50 off for Blueprint listeners on trainings January through March using code BLUEPRINT, all caps, one word.
MR Yay.
AH What are we talking about next, Michael?
MR Something that looks kind of creepy here. You asked the question, is your device snooping on your massage sessions?
AH Right. Okay. I’ve got to take a sip of coffee before this one.
MR Okay [laughing]. This sounds terrifying.
AH So it is and it isn’t. So let me tell you how this kind of came about. It’s been in the back of my head since I read some articles last fall, and we’ve all had the experience, I think, of if you’ve got a smartphone and you’re utilizing the apps on it — one day, I was talking to Walt about, oh, refinishing the bathroom. We needed to refinish the bathroom, and we did it a couple weeks ago, and we needed to buy a new toilet and all of this stuff. And then less than 24 hours later, in my Instagram feed, I was getting fed ads about toilets, which — not for nothing. We ended up buying a toilet that can flush 56 — a bag of 56 chicken nuggets all at once. So it’s a pretty —
MR [Laughing].
AH And if you’ve never watched the advertising videos for various toilets with power-flush capabilities, you need to do this because we watched a full three minutes of a video that could — of a toilet that could flush seven sausages at once. And seriously, they’ll do 24 golf balls all in one flush, and then the bag of 56 chicken nuggets, which I feel like was just a waste. But nonetheless —
MR So you got the toilet you wanted because the device was listening to you?
AH Well, it was actually already — yeah, partly.
MR [Laughing].
AH So [laughing] — but I think I might have found it through that ad. I don’t know it was the exact ad that the toilet was — whatever. But anyhow, so I started getting these toilet ads right after we talked about it, and so that happened. And I hadn’t been searching toilets on that device. I hadn’t been — we hadn’t started the whole process of searching online. And I was, like, is my device listening to me?
And I had read some stuff about it, and then I had a situation in the office a couple weeks ago where a door that had been closed and locked was open, like wide open to the outside and unlocked when I came out of a massage session, and I was the only person here. And I was like, this is weird. Doors shouldn’t be swinging open. And I decided to get a camera for my waiting room, just pointed at the two entry doors for my office that are in one room and can be handled in one wide view.
But I had to go through a whole thing about thinking about, how do I feel about my office being under surveillance? And if there’s a camera that’s looking at the entry door, then there’s not — then there’s no confidentiality anymore, essentially. But I thought through the safety and security aspects of my office and how the office is used and everybody in here, and I decided that I was going to do this. And I turned off the option to record audio through the camera as well, so it’s just taking — like when there’s a motion-detection situation, it records a couple minutes of video.
I’m happy with it. It’s working. But I really had some thoughts when I was changing the setting so that it wouldn’t record audio in the waiting room, and it reminded me of this thing about are our devices listening and potentially recording our conversations. So I had this whole thing with the camera and audio, and three hours later, I walked into my massage room and I went to turn on my — an old iPhone that just kind of operates as an iPod now in my massage room that’s hooked up to the speaker and plays my massage music. And it had automatically downloaded the new software, and all kinds of wacky things were happening because all the settings were changed. And I realized that the microphone was now being used in a whole bunch of apps that were still on this old iPhone, and I was like, oh. This phone could be listening to my massage sessions.
And it’s tough because there’s some sort of credible information from different reporting outlets like, yeah, your smartphone device is probably recording what you say, and your smartphone, your tablet, your Alexa, your Google Assistant, even a smart TV could be listening on what’s happening around it. If you have enabled your voice response systems like your Alexa and your Siri, then your phone is always listening for those key words that will trigger action. Like if you say, hey, Siri, your phone will — if you’ve got that service set up, then it’ll bleep and be like, what can I do for you? And ditto that for Alexa and all of these smart home and smart devices, including things that could be in your massage room depending on how you’re set up.
So if you have these settings on, your phone is listening and there is some reporting that says these — any conversation you have is being recorded, and it’s being mined for data, mined for marketing data. And all these different companies that are doing that, who the heck knows if it’s secure or not? So I mean, and this happened with those — not the — so I got a SimpliSafe camera because they’re ridiculously encrypted, and it’s the one Michael recommended, and it’s the most secure. But we’ve seen those other cameras. I think it’s the ones that are sold through Amazon, like the Ring one. I don’t know. But people are like —
MR Yeah. Ring had a lot of controversy around it.
AH Yeah, and they’re like — one, they’re sharing their — those front — those doorbell cameras. They’re sharing information with police and getting paid for it. So it’s like a huge civil liberty issue. But also, people are using these cameras in their home and in their children’s bedrooms, and people are hacking into them. So anyhow, I would encourage you to do a scan of your massage room and consider, do I have any devices here that have voice response systems? Do I have any devices in my room, or do I — if you bring your phone into your massage room with you, like maybe you use it for music, do you have any apps that have microphone access that could be listening in on your massage sessions?
I think that if our devices are recording conversations and if there is a huge, monstrous hack of this information and gajillions of files of — like audio files — are given to the public, do I think that anyone in particular is going to look for a recording of what happened in your massage room and use it to exploit you or your client? Probably not, because if that happens, our problems are going to be much bigger. But still — and I don’t want to live in some kind of apocryphal world, but I think it is worth being mindful of, being — we should be so protective of privacy, our own and our clients’, especially in a massage room.
So if you have any devices, any smart devices, in your massage room, I would strongly encourage you to disable the microphone access for most, if not all, apps. And also, if you keep client contact information on your phone, lots of apps will have access to that. So be sure that you’re disabling contact access for certain apps. And I don’t want to — we’re not diving into HIPAA compliance for security and privacy stuff and confidentiality today. We’re not doing that. But I would like to remind everyone that any and every device that has client contact information or any other client or business-related information on it needs to be password protected. So keep that in mind.
So do a scan of your massage room. Consider if you have any smart devices with microphones, and make sure that any apps or voice response helper systems are deactivated and not listening in on any of your conversations.
And Michael, you’re the tech guy, so I probably should have given this topic to you. But what do you have to add?
MR No. You did a great overview of it. I agree with, I think, everything you’ve said, honestly. I’m convinced that devices do listen. I mean, there’s always a question of do they or do they not? I’m pretty sure they do. I’ve seen way too much evidence to refute it. So I’m — I mean, you’re right. It’s practical versus the principle of the thing. For me, you’re right. The practical nature is that it’s not going to really cause any issues, at least at this point in time. In the future, who knows what’s going to happen?
But for this particular point in time, it’s not like there are actual people sitting there listening in a van outside your house to your recording. That’s not how it works. It goes into a big database. It’s all algorithms. It’s all artificial intelligence mining stuff, and it’s all basically this big data pool used for marketing. So it’s not as nefarious as some people think, in my opinion. But the principle, I think, is important to remember that, hey, if your conversations are being recorded, that opens up a whole ethical conversation. So I agree. Practically, it’s not really that big a deal. But philosophically, I also like to be mindful and just focused on what is being recorded. So —
AH And I think, preventively, this is a pretty easy thing to be proactive about. Just check your settings, and any time you download software to your phone, any time you do a system update or new operating system, just double-check all your settings. It’s not a big deal. It’s going to take you a total of three minutes. And I will link to a couple articles about how to do this depending on your device. And it’s just — it’s not rocket science. I think it’s just being mindful.
MR It might also make some clients feel better. If a client ever asks, hey, is your Alexa recording? You can say, hey, I’ve disabled this, or I’ve whatever, or my phone has been — you can basically tell people, hey, I’ve — I’m aware of this issue, and I’ve disabled this. So if some clients do feel uncomfortable when they see your device in the room, you can answer them in a way that makes them feel more comfortable, which I think has value.
AH And another note here is that clients often are bringing their devices into the room, and they have their settings however they have them, but that’s not on you.
MR Right.
AH So if they bring their phone in and they’ve got Siri enabled and that records half your session, that’s on them, not on you, because it was their device.
MR Yeah.
AH So heads-up on that. I don’t — I wonder, though. I’m going to have to play with this a little bit because I have an air cleaner and a fan running in my room all the time. So I wonder how much actually makes it through to the microphone.
MR [Laughing].
AH I might play with this and be like a secret agent. Do a cone of silence situation like in Get Smart.
MR It could be a whole separate little webisode.
AH Yeah. So who’s —
MR Anyway —
AH — our next sponsor, Michael?
MR Jojoba.
AH Yay. Thanks, Jojoba Company, for your sponsorship for so long. You’ve been with us almost since the beginning, I think, maybe even since the beginning.
MR Yeah. Yeah.
Sponsor message I firmly believe that massage therapists should only be using the highest quality products because, frankly, my body is soaking that stuff in for 20 hours a week. It is nonallergenic. I can use it on any client and every client without worrying about an allergic reaction. And The Jojoba Company is the only company in the world that carries 100% pure, first-pressed, quality jojoba. It’s a much better quality. It just feels better. It will never go rancid, so it makes it a great carrier for your essential oils that you spend a lot of money on and you don’t want getting gross because your carrier oil is cheap. You can get 10% off the price of the product on orders $35 or more when you shop through our link, massagebusinessblueprint.com/jojoba.
MR Yay. Thanks, Jojoba.
AH What’s next?
MR All right. Quick tips. We got a couple.
AH You go.
MR All right. I’ll go. So I have been behind on cleaning up my phone, as I kind of mentioned earlier in the episode, like cleaning up podcasts and stuff. So I’m always a big favor of at least every so often doing a spring cleaning of apps on your phone, especially social media apps that you don’t use, for a couple reasons. One, it just frees up space on your phone, and I like the way that it just organizes my phone better. But also, I found myself with some social media apps on my phone that I don’t really need to use or really even want to use, but they’re just sort of addictive. And so I’ve deleted some stuff, social media apps. I’ve deleted some extra apps I just never use, and my phone is easier to navigate. It’s easier to look around in, to get stuff, and it’s got more space for stuff I really want.
So it’s not really a major tip. It’s nothing earth-shattering, but just a reminder that it never hurts to go through your phone, delete stuff you never use, reorganize stuff into folders, and it just feels good to do that. It just feels kind of like you’ve gotten a lot of clarity in how you use your device and your tech. So —
AH I want to know what social media apps you deleted. Fess up.
MR TikTok.
AH You had TikTok?
MR I had TikTok because Gary Vee kept yelling at me to say, hey, it’s for business too, and it’s the new thing, and if you’re not on TikTok now, you’re going to wish in five years you’d been using TikTok. I’m an early adopter.
So I really like Gary Vee. I think I really — he resonates a lot with me. And so I was like, okay, Gary, I’ll try TikTok. So I tried TikTok, and I was like, you know what? It’s addictive because it’s people doing stupid stuff, but this is wasting my life and my time.
AH Can —
MR So I just deleted it, and I got rid of it.
AH I have two things to say to this.
MR Yeah.
AH One, my life became much happier like three years ago when I stopped listening to anything Gary Vee said.
MR [Laughing] Yes. We have vastly different opinions on Gary Vee I realize that. [Laughing].
AH On Gary Vee. He makes me tired, and he makes me feel like I’m not doing enough. So whatever. Move on over, Gary Vee.
MR [Laughing].
AH And second of all — okay, I might have three things. But the second thing is that adults don’t belong on TikTok. Stop.
MR [Laughing].
AH Children are the ones that need to be chasing every new media. We are not. We are not — we do not need that. We understand how to establish a strong foundation of business, and there is absolutely no need to get distracted by shiny things like TikTok.
So again, I’m glad you deleted it. And third, I’m going to tell you what I did. I loved that you had this in your quick tip because I just did it. I went through all of — I got a new phone, and then I just backed up the new phone to the old phone so everything transferred. And I was like, I don’t need half of these things. I don’t need the Southwest Airlines app on my phone because I haven’t traveled Southwest in years, and I have one trip coming up, and it’s going to be JetBlue.
So I went through and I deleted any apps that I didn’t need anymore, and then I also found a couple weeks ago that I was way too — I was getting way too addicted to the social media again, and also I pissed off someone’s mom the other day in a thread last week.
MR [Laughing] I saw that.
AH So I was like, yeah, I don’t need to be — and they’re all lovely people. I just — whatever. I’m not wrong, but whatever. It doesn’t matter. So I was like, yeah, I don’t need to have social media on my phone. It’s not making me a better person. So I took — I leave Instagram on because that brings me joy, and it doesn’t irritate me. But I took Facebook — the Facebook app and the Twitter app off my phone.
So since then, I have put Twitter back on because as it turns out, it’s the only way I get news, and also, most of Twitter brings me joy. I don’t follow too much that enrages me. But it’s been so good to only access — and I can access Facebook through the web browser on my phone if I really need to. So if I get an email that’s like, somebody posted in the Blueprint group, and I’m not going to be near my computer all day, I can check via the web browser. But it’s less convenient, but it still allows me to drop the note in that says, I saw this question. I’m going to answer it later or tomorrow, and then just close it out.
And I completely log out in the browser. I log out of Facebook via the browser so that if I’m tempted to go back in, I have to go to facebook.com. I have to log in and enter my password and all that crap. And so it has taken that away from me, so I’m a much nicer person for the last week since I’ve mostly removed Facebook from my mobile life.
MR [Laughing].
AH So just in case anybody needs (indiscernible).
MR Just in case.
AH So my quick tip is much related to last week’s where — I already forgot what — oh, check your equipment. Check your equipment at your office so that your massage table doesn’t collapse on anyone. This week’s is similar. You want to make sure — if you are doing your own laundry, you want to make sure that you’re not just cleaning the lint trap that’s easy to access in the dryer, but you want to — if you have a secondary lint trap in your dryer hose, you want to clean that regularly because some lint can gather in there too, and if it’s lint that has lots of massage oil in it, if your oils haven’t been rinsing clean — or just over time, no matter what you use, stuff’s going to build up.
And you want to clean that secondary lint trap so you don’t have a fire in your dyer. So — and I will link to this mollymaid.com article about how to clean that secondary lint trap, and you could really just look it up in your own dryer model instructions. And make sure that a couple times a year, you’re cleaning out that dryer hose lint. And even if you don’t have a secondary lint trap there, it’s actually really good to just open up that dryer hose and shove something through it so that you’re cleaning out any residue anyway. Do that on occasion so you don’t light your house on fire.
MR [Laughing] Sorry. I’m laughing because you said fire in your dryer, and it just sounds so funny. And then I started thinking about other fun rhyming words, like ants in your pants. [Laughing].
AH [Laughing].
MR And I just started laughing for no reason. I’m sorry. I’m five years old over here today.
AH Happy Monday, everybody. And that’s all I got. So on that note, I would like to let you know if you hate our podcast or love our podcast —
MR [Laughing].
AH — you can tell us that at podcast.massagebusinessblueprint.com. You can also share that information in the review section of Apple Podcast or Stitcher or Google Play or any of the jillion places you can listen to our podcast.
MR Or Alexa, which is listening to you right now.
AH Alexa [laughing], which is absolutely listening to you right now, which I realize now that having our podcast available via Alexa means I’m so voice tracked in so many ways.
MR [Laughing].
AH So we’re just heading towards this dystopian society. Whatevs. I’m screwed. So yeah, and if you have a question you — or topic you want us to cover, we’d love that. Also email podcast@massagebusinessblueprint.com, and we would love to hear from you.
And that’s all I have to say.
MR All right. Well, with that, we’ll wrap it up, then. Thanks for listening today. If you’re still with us, we appreciate you. Thank you.
AH Bye.
MR And —
AH Oh, sorry.
MR — you can — hey, whoa. Hang on. [Laughing].
AH Sorry.
MR I got to close us out, right? All right. You know where to find us. I’m going to keep it short. massagebusinessblueprint.com, that’s our website. Give us a shout. Thanks for listening. Have an awesome day. Bye.
AH Bye.