We are excited to tell you we have sold our library of resources to Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP, abmp.com).
It's been an incredible eight years of providing educational and marketing content, and we are so grateful to our sponsors and you, our listeners.
Allissa will continue publishing a podcast in ABMPs network, and you can reach her through Deep Breath Digital.
Michael will be focusing on serving his clients as a Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢ and business consultant through his firm Elevation Financial, located at elevationfinancial.com.
You'll be hearing more from ABMP in the future about where you'll be able to find our content. So, make sure you are subscribed to:
The ABMP Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/52mf7v65
ABMP Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/mpsnvd8w
ABMP Instagram: https://tinyurl.com/3r9an27u
ABMP LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/nrc7u8p6
ABMP Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/24fs23rd
ABMP YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/3yndbnw6
About ABMP: ABMP is a national membership association that goes above and beyond great liability insurance to make it easier for massage and bodywork practitioners and students to succeed. ABMP members receive the most responsive, knowledgeable service and a comprehensive package of member benefits, including free CE hours, dozens of member discounts, a free business website, the award-winning Massage & Bodywork magazine, dedicated legislative advocacy, and more.